Dog Control Policy & Bylaw Review

Proposed Amendment to the Control of Dogs Bylaw 2007 and Control of Dogs Policy 2007

Have Your Say!

Submissions closed 10 July 2013.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 10(2) of the Dog Control Act 1996.  South Wairarapa District Council has prepared the Statement of Proposal in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002 for the proposed amendments.

The proposed amendment to the Dog Control Policy will:

  • Amend the dog control fees by removing the approved and general owner categories.  Council intends to use positive education training and infringements if required to deal with each complaint or breach.
  • Provide clear policy about dog exercise areas.  Council intends to provide off leash dog exercise areas in each of the three townships of Featherston, Martinborough and Greytown.
  • Minor wording amendments to the classification of menacing dogs by dog breeds or type of dog to align with the Dog Control Act.
  • Change the wording to neutering and disability assist dogs to align with the Dog Control Act.

The proposed amendment to the current Dog Control Bylaw will:

  • Update Schedule A (Areas where Dogs are prohibited) and Schedule B (Dog Exercise areas).  Schedule B will now include the off leash dog exercise areas in Martinborough and Featherston.  The Greytown exercise area is in the planning stage and will be included in Schedule B if approved by Council.
  • Provide the ability for Council to make changes by resolution to the schedules.
  • Prohibit dogs from being kept beneath a building.
  • Allow for dogs taking part in an organised event (which has council approval) such as a dog show, to be in an area where dogs are prohibited or where dogs must be on a leash. 

You are invited to make submissions on the Control of Dog Policy and Control of Dog Bylaw by 4.00pm on 10 July 2013.

Submitters should state their name and contact details, and whether or not they wish to be heard in support of their submission.

Submission forms and copies of the Statement of Proposal, Draft Policy and Draft Bylaw are available here:

Statement of Proposal
Draft Control of Dogs Policy 2013
Draft Control of Dogs Bylaw 2013
Submission Form

These documents are also available from the South Wairarapa District Council office and the South Wairarapa libraries.  Please ring us on 063069611 or email Hazel Turner at if you would like a copy posted to you.

Posted 10 June 2013 

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