SH53 road reconstruction works near Phillips Line

10 January

Capital Journeys on behalf of NZTA will be undertaking road reconstruction and resurfacing as follows:

  • SH53 north and south of Phillips Line, for 500 metres (see map below)
  • Monday – Friday, 13-17 January 2020
  • Work may continue into the next week 

Much of the work will take place during the daytime under stop/go traffic control. A temporary speed restriction will apply at all other times throughout the project.

Please drive with caution. At times you may be travelling on an unsealed surface.

Map showing location of works, in red

Please note: The intersection of No. 1 Line and Kahutara Line with State Highway 53 is scheduled to be resurfaced with asphalt in February. This will be a one-night task. 

Traffic Management

Vehicles will be managed with stop/go control while work is underway, including the intersection with Phillips Line.

At all other times during the project, a temporary speed limit will apply. Please travel at the posted speed limit which will be 30km/h during most of the project and will rise to 50km/h in the later stages


Roadworks may be postponed due to rain or unforeseen factors that disrupt our weekly schedule. To check please visit

Impact on neighbours

Capital Journeys aim to work with as little disruption as possible, we know that roadworks can be inconvenient for those living nearby. Traffic controllers will assist you with access to your properties. Please follow their instructions.

Thank you

Thank you for your patience during these highway improvements. Well maintained highways are assets that benefit communities as well as travellers and are essential for the safety of all who use them. Renewing the surface waterproofs the road, prevents potholers and provide skid resistance so road users can enjoy a safer, more comfortable ride. 

Contact for further information

Any queries, please contact Paul Smart, Fulton Hogan Wairarapa Manager, on 027 447 6824 or  

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